通过定位观测取得的数据 ,对速生阶段第 2代杉木人工林生物量和生产力进行研究 ,并在时间和空间上与第 1代杉木林进行比较。结果表明 :第 1、2代杉木林单株和林分生物量分别为 37 5 4、34 74kg和 85 6、71 4 5t·hm- 2 ,第 2代比第 1代下降了 8.5 2 %和 16 5 3%。第 1代杉木林生态系统的生物量为 87 93t·hm- 2 ,第2代为 76 0 2t·hm- 2 ,比第 1代低 13 5 4 % ,乔木层所占比例也比第 1代小 ,而灌木、草本和死地被层的生物量约是第 1代的 2倍。第 1代杉木树干有较大的生物量积累优势 ,对地下养分空间的竞争力强 ,而第 2代对地上养分空间的竞争力强。各生长级林木生物量分布呈反J形 ,表明杉木林处于速生阶段时林木竞争才开始 ,分化不明显。第 1代杉木林的生产力是第 2代的 1 2倍 ,杉木连栽导致生产力下降。但第 2代杉木叶的光合生产率比较高 ,说明第
Based on the data collected by located observation, the biomass and productivity of the second generation of Chinese fir plantation at fast growing stage was studied. At the same time, a comparison of biomass and productivity between the first generation and the second of successive rotation was made. The results showed that biomass of tree and stands in the first and second rotation Chinese fir plantation were 37 54, 34 74kg and 85 6, 71 45?t·hm -2 , decreased by 8 52% and 16 53% respectively. The total biomass of the ecosystem in the first and second rotation account for 87 93 and 76 02?t·hm -2 , of which trees occupied a large portion. The biomass of shrub, herb and litter in the second rotation was 2 times of that in the first rotation. The first rotation Chinese fir had a stronger competition for underground and higher biomass accumulation in stem, while the second had stronger competition for above ground and lower biomass in stem. Productivity of the second rotation Chinese fir plantation was 6 49?t·hm -2 a -1 , and lower than that of the first rotation (7 78?t·hm -2 a -1 ). However, the leaves in the second rotation had higher photosynthesis productivity. This case confirmed that there was potential improvement in productivity in the second rotation Chinese fir plantation.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae
国家重点野外台站资助项目 ([2 0 0 0 ]国科基便字第 0 76号 )
国家自然科学基金重大项目 (3 98993 70 )
国家林业局重点科研项目 (2 0 0 1-7)
湖南省科委重大项目 (99JZY10 0 4)的部分内容
Chinese fir plantation, Biomass, Productivity, Effect of successive-rotation, Fast growing stage