在直立中央领导干树形条件下 ,M7、MM10 6、M 2 6中间砧幼年苹果树中心干生长速度快 ,4年生树高达到 2 .7~ 3.6m。中心干上抽生的侧枝数量多 ,红富士、王林、新红星和乔纳金 4个品种在 4年生时分别在 2 0~ 30 .5个之间 ,且主要在 2年生或者 2年生和 1年生中心干段上抽生侧生分枝。 4年生树相指标能满足生产上早果丰产的需要 :单株枝量大 ,乔纳金为 6 31个 ,红富士和王林 4 80个左右 ,新红星 312个 ;短枝比率高 ,红富士短枝占总枝量的 6 1% ,乔纳金和王林分别为 71%和 74 % ,新红星 81% ;侧生分枝角度开张 ,在 4 3°~ 6 9°之间 ;中心干及侧生分枝的生长势能够很快趋向缓和 ,在不采用任何人工控制生长措施的条件下 ,定植后的第 4年 ,主干的延迟生长量显著大幅度减弱 ,侧生分枝生长量在抽生的第 3年甚至是第 2年也显著地减小。
Vegetative growth of young apple trees trained in vertical axis were studied with 'Red Fuji', 'Jonagold', 'Orin' and 'Starkrimson' on M7, MM106, M26 interstocks in northern China. About 30 branches sprouted from the central leader of the trees during the 4 years after planting for 'Red Fuji' and 'Jonagold', 26.7 and 20 branches respectively for 'Orin' and 'Starkrimson'. Moreover the 2 year old section of the central leader had the strongest capacity to sprout new branches and sometimes the 1 year old section too, and sprouted much more new shoots than the other section. The total new shoots including spurs on the 4 year old trees reached 631 per tree for 'Jonagold', about 480 for 'Red Fuji' and 'Orin', and 312 for 'Starkrimson'. Percentage of spurs was 61% for 'Red Fuji', 71% for 'Jonagold', 74% for 'Orin', and 81% for 'Starkrimson'. Growth vigour of the central leader and limbs of the young apple trees could quickly decline: the growth of the central leader decreased markedly in the fourth year after planting, and branches from the central leader grew vigorously only in the current growth season or in the first two years after branching.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica
国家"九五"攻关课题 (95 0 6 0 1 0 4)