介绍金属型获得铸态铁素体球铁的工艺及其铸态组织与性能 ;实验发现 ,采用铝和石墨对铁液进行预处理、含铋孕育剂的瞬时孕育 ,对增加石墨球数和防止表面白口的形成作用十分显著。铸态组织中铁素体含量大于 98%,石墨球细小、圆整 ,平均直径12 μm,单位面积的球数 90 0个 /mm2 以上 ,球化率达 90 %以上。铸态机械性能达到QT45 0 15。
This paper introduces a technology and as-cast microscopic structure and properties of ferrite ductile iron by the use of the permanent mould. It is found that using pre-treatment of metals with aluminium and graphite respectively and instantaneous inoculation with Bi containing inoculate have a significant effect on increasing graphite nodule count and preventing the formation of chilling surface. In the microscopic structure of the casting, the ferrite amount is over 98%,the graphite spheroids are very small, and circular is with an average diameter of 12 μm. The nodule count is over 900 per square millimeter and the nodulizing reaches above 90%. The as-cast mechanical properties reach 450 MPa of tensile strength and 15% of elongation.
Foundry Technology