This paper focuses on the self-regulation of Lithocarpus xylocarpuspopulation, which is one of main dominant species of the mountainoushumid evergreen broad-leaf forest in Xujiaba region, Ailao Mountain sti-tuated in the mid-south of Yunnan province (24°31′-24°35′N, 101°00′-101°03′E). It has been found that the relationship between the populationdensity (D) and the mean plant biomass (B) during the self-thinning canbe described as: (?)= 1825267.081D^(-2.8208) (110≤D≤1051)where B is in t/stem, D is in stems/ha. The percentages of importance value of Lithocarpus xylocarpus, Litho-carpus chintungensis and Castanopsis wattii have been regarded as the measureof the niche overlap, which results in a new method to calculate competi-tion coefficient. the final result. of competition has been discussed withthe Lotka-Volterre equation of competition. The analysis showed that therelative dominance of L. xylocarpus, L. chintungensis and C. wattii arerespectively 29.52%, 39.90% and 30.58%. Hence three species can jointlydominate a community.
Population self-thinning
Interspecific competition
Percentage of important value
Lithocarpus xylocarpus