在现代战争中 ,导弹发射阵地的高精度、快速定位与定向是实现灵活机动作战 ,有效地打击敌方目标 ,保障野外实战生存能力的需要。首先 ,重点论述快速构筑导弹发射阵地的实施过程以及GPS +GLONASS组合系统的数据处理方法。最后 ,通过使用连续 2 4h的观测数据分段试验计算 ,结果表明 :利用GPS +GLONASS组合系统 ,在 2 0min时间内可以完成对导弹发射阵地的高精度定位。
In order to flexibly and quickly fight,accurately attack the enemy objective and defend oneself from the actual battlefield,it is very necessary to determine accurately and rapidly the position and orientation of ballistic missile launch-site in the current warfare.The performing procedure of rapidly forming the ballistic missile launch-site and the method of processing integrated GPS+GLONASS system data are presented emphatically in this paper.By processing 24 hours continuous measurement data,finally,it is shown that the task of accurately determining the position and orientation of the ballistic missile launch-site can be completed with integrated GPS+GLONASS system in 20 minutes.
Modern Defence Technology