人类“诗意生存”的本质需要决定人类的生存必然是生态性的。生态问题的解决取决于人们的生态意识及生态审美观念的建立。通过生态审美教育 ,将生态审美意识植入广大的民众及中小学生意识之中 ,将“经济人”转化为“生态审美人”,是当前保护生态、实现可持续发展急需要做的一项重要工作 ,也是人“诗意生存”的基础。生态审美意识包括 :美在于人与对象的和谐、美存在于生命的过程之中、平衡是生态之美的基础。生态美育的开展离不开学校。
Human's existence is ecological,which is determined by the essence of human's 'aesthetic existence'.The key of the solution of ecological problems lies in the formation of people's ecological consciousness and ecological aesthetic standard.By means of ecological aesthetic education,ecological aesthetic consciousness is rooted into the common people,especially primary school students and middle school students,turns 'economic people' into 'ecological aesthetic people'.This urgent and necessary task must be done for the sake of the protection of ecology and realization of sustainable development,it is the foundation of human's 'aesthetic existence'. Ecological aesthetic consciousness includes:Beauty lies in the harmony between human and objects;Beauty lies in the process of life; Balance is the foundation of ecological beauty.The development of ecological aesthetic education can only be realized with the combined efforts from schools,society and family.
Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)