心理咨询日益受到社会的重视 ,随着后现代心理学的兴起和多元文化思潮的影响 ,心理咨询的发展出现了两大新趋势 :全球化和本土化。心理咨询全球化既是应国际社会的要求 ,是多元文化论兴起的产物 ,也是学科自身发展的需要 :克服现代心理咨询理论和技术的局限性 ,使心理咨询发展成为一门真正的全人类的心理咨询学 ;本土化趋势是指在心理咨询的临床或研究中 ,要考虑到求助者不同的社会文化因素 ,所采用的概念、理论、方法要能切实反映求询者的文化背景。心理咨询的本土化与心理咨询的全球化并不是不相容的 ,而是相辅相成密切结合的 ,两者的契合点是都重视文化的因素 ,有着共同的咨询治疗目的。
More and more attention is paid to the psychological counsel in today's society. With the rising of postmodern psychology and under the influence of multiculturalism, the psychological counsel is developing in two new trends: globalization and localization. this thesis mainly states the background, intention, main features and contents of these two new trends. The relationship and correspondence, between these two trends are studied in this paper too.
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)