传统国学、新史学、西学和马克思主义是吕思勉先生“经世致用”史学观的理论基础。“研究学问 ,为当世效实用”、“讴歌进化 ,寄希望于未来”是吕氏“经世致用”的两大特征。先生一生写了大量的时论性文章 ,倡言社会改革 ,在学校建设和改革、饮食革命。
The traditional Chinese studies, new historiography, western learns, Marxism were the theoretical foundation of Mr. Lü's studying for attaining practical use. Studying knowledge for practice and praising evolution were the two features of Mr.Lü's studying for attaining practical use. He wrote a large number of articles on prompt social reform, in which were the special views about school reform, changes of food pattern and teaching reform.
Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)