
对政党理念的知识考古学分析 被引量:4

A Knowledge-Archaeological Analysis of Political Party's Ideal and Concept
摘要 从知识考古学的角度对政党概念的形成、政党的原始属性、政党产生的根源等政党理论中的基本问题进行分析 ,有助于人们对政党概念的准确理解。“政党”(party)这一政治概念的形成 ,与它从拉丁文词源“pars”进入英语世界和政治语言世界前后的演变有很大关联。拉丁文“pars”的基本含义有二 :一为“部分”,一为“分开、分歧、歧异”。有关政党理念的一系列问题 ,正是围绕着这个词的两个基本含义沿着两个不同的路径演化和展开的。它留下的问题直到今天仍是人们思考政党理论问题的重要切入点。本文认为 ,政党是部分与全体、分歧与一致的矛盾统一体。政党的这种基本属性是客观全面估价政党的作用时所不能忽视的。 This essay attempts to use an approach of knowledge archaeology to analyze those essential issues on party theory, including how a party concept formed, what original attribution a party has, what is origin of party building. 'Party' as a political concept had been introduced into English world from Latin etymology 'pars'. The 'pars' has two basic meanings: one is 'part', and second is 'split, bifurcation, or divergence'. A series of problems about party ideal have evolved along with two different paths and thinking ways based on these two basic meanings. Those problems left by these evolvements are still very important for scholars to think about party theory. This basic attribution is the key to estimate party's function and could not be ignored.
作者 金安平
出处 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2002年第3期40-46,共7页 Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 政党理念 萨托利 知识考古学 政党派学 《政党与政党制度》 knowledge archaeology party faction whole part
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