清末的中国女子学校教育 ,是以基督教会的女子学校为发端的。虽然在很长一段时间内 ,传教士都把教育视为传教活动的从属品 ,但我们也不应忽略教会学校对中国近代教育和文化思潮所产生的正面的和积极的影响。教会女学产生的影响 ,开始改变清末中国妇女的教育现状 ,并直接催生了中国近代的第一批女子学校 ,为中国近代教育提供了多层面的借鉴。教会女学对清末中国妇女的影响 ,显然已经超出了宗教范围之外。
It was the Christian missionaries that first ran up schools for Chinese women during the late Qing period. The prior intention for them to run up women schools is, by no doubt, to preach Christianity in China. However, we should not neglect the positive impacts of their efforts on Chinese women education, and even the modern Chinese education as a whole. The mission schools discussed in this paper not only exerted influences to the development of Chinese women education, but also helped to foster the first women schools run by Chinese, and provided valuable experience for modern Chinese education. Obviously the influence of those mission schools to Chinese women is far beyond religious significance.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)