以东北红豆杉AP2转录因子氨基酸序列为查询序列,搜索比对欧洲红豆杉基因组草图数据得到一个AP2转录因子全长序列,并命名为TbAP2。同时,利用生物信息学方法对TbAP2基因序列及其编码蛋白进行了特征分析和功能预测,发现该基因全长1 817bp,编码一个217个氨基酸的ORF;TbAP2相对分子量为23.68×103,等电点为4.92,亚细胞定位分析推测该转录因子定位在细胞核中,保守结构域分析发现其含有一个典型的AP2结构域,除与东北红豆杉具有99%的高一致性外,还分别与杨树、苜蓿和大豆的AP2蛋白具有81%、80%和78%的高一致性,进化树分析表明,相近科属植物的AP2转录因子归为一类,红豆杉AP2转录因子与玉米的AP2转录因子亲缘关系最近。本研究获得了TbAP2基因电子序列,为更好地利用分子生物学技术调控紫杉醇的生物合成提供理论基础。
Using the sequence of an AP2 protein fromTaxus cuspidata as query,a new AP2 transcription factorgene named TbAP2 was obtained with tBlastN method from Taxus baccata.With various bioinformatics softwares,our analysis results showed that the sequence length of TbAP2 was 1 817 bp,encoding one opening reading frame with217 amino acid residues.The molecular weight of TbAP2 was 23.68×103,and the theoretical pI was 4.92.The predicated protein TbAP2 was localized to cell nucleus,as well as contained one AP2/ERFdomain.BlastX analysis indicated that TbAP2 shared 99%,81%,80% and 78% high identity with the counterparts T.cuspidata,Populus trichocarpa,Medicago truncatula and Glycine max,respectively.Moreover,the phylogenetic tree showed that the AP2 transcription factors of the plants which belong to the same family clustered together,and AP2 transcription factors of Taxus L.were clustered with AP2 fromZea mays.Further research on TbAP2 function is being performed in our laboratory,and this study provided fundamental basis for improving the production of taxol by molecular biology technology.
Amino Acids & Biotic Resources