知识经济对高等职业技术教育提出了新的更高要求。本文就我国高等职业技术教育人才培养模式如何定位进行了探讨。认为在高等职业技术教育人才培养过程中 ,应重点解决好全面推进素质教育 ;加强针对性、应用性 ;满足岗位群培养学生能满定社会岗位群需要的基本能力和基本技能 。
The intellectual economy sets a higher standard for higher vocational and technological education. This paper discusses the orientation of the training model of higher vocational and technological education and regards it important to advance the quality education, to strengthen the accordance and application, to meet the needs of basic ability and skill for the post. Based on the above analyses, this paper makes a suggestion of the training model of higher vocational and technological education.
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology(Social Science Edition)