通过室内筛选和田间试验 ,结果表明 ,稀唑醇为防治玉米瘤黑粉病较好的药剂 ,在玉米心叶末期撒稀唑醇与辛硫磷复配的颗粒剂 ,对玉米瘤黑粉病和玉米螟均有较好的防治效果 ,防效分别为 75 7%和 85 0 %。
Both indoor and field tests showed that 12 5% diniconazole W P was a very good funggicides to control fungus Ustilago maydis Granule, a mixture of diniconazole and phoxim, could respectively provide 75 7% and 85% control efficiency to Ustilago maydis and Ostrinia Furanncalis if used before tasses
Journal of Hebei Vocation-Technical Teachers College