The main result in this paper is the following:Theorem. Assume that W is a k-connected compact PL n-manifold with boundary, BdW is,(k-Ⅰ)-connect,k≥Ⅰ. (BdW is Ⅰ-connected for k=Ⅰ), 0≤h≤2k, 2n-h>5 and there exists a normal block(n-h-Ⅰ)-bundle v over W. then(1) There is neat PL embedding W→D2n-hwhich normal block bundle is isomorphic to v(?) ε.(2) There is a PL embedding W→S2n-h-1which normal block bundle is isomorphic to v. Where ε denotes the trivial block l-boundle, D2n-h={x=(x1, x2,…, x2n-h∈R2n-h||xi|≤Ⅰ} and S2n-h-Ⅰ=BdD2n-h.
<正> The main result in this paper is the following:Theorem. Assume that W is a k-connected compact PL n-manifold with boundary, BdW is,(k-Ⅰ)-connect,k≥Ⅰ. (BdW is Ⅰ-connected for k=Ⅰ), 0≤h≤2k, 2n-h>5 and there exists a normal block(n-h-Ⅰ)-bundle v over W. then(1) There is neat PL embedding W→D2n-hwhich normal block bundle is isomorphic to v(?) ε.(2) There is a PL embedding W→S2n-h-1which normal block bundle is isomorphic to v. Where ε denotes the trivial block l-boundle, D2n-h={x=(x1, x2,…, x2n-h∈R2n-h||xi|≤Ⅰ} and S2n-h-Ⅰ=BdD2n-h.