对 1998~ 2 0 0 0年 4月中下旬 (春播 )和 6月上旬 (夏播 )种植的 16 0 7份玉米早代系进行田间自然抗性鉴定表明 :播期对玉米早代系田间抗病性具有很大的影响。玉米早代自交系大斑病和粗缩病以春播发生较重 ,而小斑病和茎基腐病以夏播发病较充分。因此 。
In order to find out the disease resistance of maize early general inbred lines.Two cultivars were planted in spring (14/4-21/4) or summer (7/6-10/6) and showed that planted period do great effects on disease resistance of maize early inbred lines,especially on the resistance of diseases such as leaf blight of maize,maize streak and maize dwarf mosaic which are seriously produced in spring planted,as leaf spot of maize and stem rot of maize which are produced in summer planted.According to different maize diseases to arrange different planted period,it would produce more maize inbred lines with high disease resistance.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica