2The Concord Coalition, 2000, "An Initial Assessment of the Proposals by Vice - President AI Gore and Texas Governor George W. Bush", Issue Brief: Social Security Reform. 2000,6,28. 被引量:1
3Henry J. Aaron.Alicia H. Munnell, and Peter R. Orszag , "Social Security Reform:The Questions Raised by the Plans Endorsed by President Bush's Social Security Commission", Working Paper for Center on Budget and Policy Priority. 2001,12,3. 被引量:1
5Brown, "Bush's Social Security Plan Works Best for the Well- off", Knight- Ridder/Tribune News Service, 21 June, 2000, k3145. 被引量:1
6Social Security Administration, "Will Social Security Be There For You? The Future Of Social Security", Publication No. 05-10055, August, 2000, ICN 462560. 被引量:1