该文着重介绍利用美国AshtechZ -Xtreme双频RTK定位系统建立宁波镇海炼化公司工程控制网的生产实例 ,从布网方案、作业方法及检测精度来论证快速RTK的实时、高效、经济、可靠等优点 ,另外 ,布网灵活、操作简便、精度均匀。它的推行 ,将使传统的控制测量理念发生根本改变。
The paper introduces the Ashtech Z-Xtreme bi-frequency RTK positioning system applying to the establishment of engineering control network of Zhenhai Oil Refining Company, Ningbo The advantages of real-time, high efficient, economizing and reliable features of instant RTK are verified by the scheme of network layout, operation method and detecting accuracy In addition, it possesses the flexible network layout, easy operation and precision uniformity Its popularization will fundamentally change the traditional idea of control surveying
Site Investigation Science and Technology