作者在进行维吾尔族长寿老人最稠密的和田地区对维吾尔族长寿老人红细胞 ABO血型遗传多态性调查中 ,对维吾尔老人红细胞 ABO血型、基因频率分布情况进行研究 ,被调查的 2 0 0例长寿老人中 ,B血型占3 9%、AB血型占 2 8%、A血型占 2 4%、O血型占 9% ,有以下特征 :表征分布为 B>AB>A>O,基因频率 Y=0 .2 793 ,P=0 .3 0 2 2 ,q=0 .2 0 1 2 ;DP为 0 .80 77,文中对红细胞 ABO血型在不同非长寿人群中的分布进行了比较分析。这对于长寿的生理、生化、人类分子遗传学及临床分子医学研究具有重要意义。
This paper deals with the genetic ploymorphic analyses on ABO blood group of Red Blood Cell of the aged longevity people in Uygur nationality.We have investigated ABO blood group in REC,the distribution of the gene frequencies of the aged longevity people in Uygur.The result shows that percentage of blood group of B,AB,A and O were 39%,28%,24% and 9% in respectively.It has some features as follows,The distribution of phenotypes were B>AB>A>O,the frequency of genes were Y=0.2793,P=0.3022,q=0.2012,DP=0.8077 in compavatively.Authors also compared with the distribution of ABO blood group of non aged longevity people.It is significanit for physiology,biochemistry,human molecular genetic and clinical nolecular medinice of long life.
Journal of Xinjiang University(Natural Science Edition)