红色荧光标识材料的物化性能与品质决定了其作为主要防伪手段在证券和货币上的运用 .通过对红色荧光标识材料在油墨中应用的研究 ,比较了 3种红色荧光标识材料的优劣 ,以选择最佳的油墨配方 .通过 8种物化指标的测量 ,讨论了连结料、填充料对油墨荧光性能的影响 .与市场上的产品A ,B相比 ,荧光标识材料C在耐碱、耐醇、耐洗衣粉。
The properties and qualities of the marking materials with red fluorescence are very important in bond and currency as an anti-fake method. The marking materials with red fluorescence in ink have been investigated and three different samples are compared to obtain the best ink prescription. The effects of joining materials and fillers on the fluorescence properties on the ink have been discussed by comparing 8 physical and chemical properties. Comparing with products A and B, marking material C is superior in base, acid, washing powder, damp-resistance properties.
Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition)
安徽省自然科学基金项目 (0 10 44 80 2 )资助课题