在工程建设中 ,由于施工疏忽大意 ,组织不当 ,操作失误 ,造成的工程质量事故屡有发生 ,给生产和使用带来隐患 .为保证工程正常使用 ,必须进行处理 .简单的方法是推倒重来 ,这样势必造成巨大的经济损失 ,有时由于工期因素的影响 ,也不允许这样做 .因此针对不同的工程质量事故要采取不同的处理方法 ,在满足生产使用的前提下 ,尽量使工程事故损失降低到最小程度 ,本文介绍的是一起严重的工程质量事故的处理方法 .
During the project construciton, due to the carelessness and lack of concentration, malaorganization, faulty operation, there have inevitbly been quality problems and some latent dangers to the production and manipulation. For the sake of normal use guarantee,those quality problems must be properly handled. The simple way is to dismantle them and reassemble, which will undoubtedly cause emormous ecomonic losses. Occasionally, because of the time limit of the project, the aforesaid measure is unpractical. So the different quality problem should be tackled by different measures. Under the prospect of meeting the need of production, efforts should be made to minimize the losses caused by the project quality problerm to the slightest extend.This paper introduces a disposal of a serious accident caused by the project quality problem.
Journal of Luoyang University