Access并不是微软公司专门为网络应用而设计的一种数据库 ,因此应用于网络环境下 ,存在许多安全漏洞。虽然其有一些建立和维护自身安全的能力 ,但非常脆弱。本文对此进行了全面分析 ,并在实践的基础上给出实用性很强的解决方案。对于保证网络环境下的ASP应用程序的正常运行 ,具有重要的意义。
Access is not a database designed for network application by Microsoft company,Hence existing many holes using in network envirements,Althought it has some ability of establish and defend its security,But is very vulnerable,This article made a full analysis to this, Give out practical solution based on practice,this solution has very important sense to guarantee the ASP application program in normal motion Under network envirements.
Henan Science