本文就工厂化甲鱼养殖废水通过光合细菌和小球藻联合处理及重新利用做了初步探索。试验结果表明 ,光合细菌和小球藻能很好地去除水体的氮、磷 ,尤其对铵氮的去除效果最好 ,可达 90 %以上 ;该方法还可显著提高水体的溶解氧 ,处理后水中溶解氧可达 1 0mg/L以上 ,有利于养殖废水的重新利用 ,在工厂化养殖废水处理中有着良好的应用前景。
This paper cover the treatment of culturing wastewater by photosynthetic bacteria(PSB) and chlorella,and the reuse of the wastewater was studied. The results of treatment model showed that this system has a high removal of nitrogen and phosphorus, especially could remove the NH\++\-4\|N better with the removal of more than 90%. At the other hand this method could improve the DO of wastewater rapidly, the DO of disposaled water could reach more than 10 mg/L,its application for culturing wastewater would be have bright perspective.
Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University