自动铺丝技术以纤维缠绕和自动铺带为基础 ,它可以加工一些采用传统缠绕方法无法达到的构件。利用它具有能够加工复杂形体的特点 ,可以对构架式卫星接头进行铺丝加工。本文介绍了自动铺丝技术的优点 ,以及如何根据自动铺丝的特点 ,对构架式卫星接头进行建模和铺丝加工线型设计的研究。
Automated fibre placement technology has been evloved from filament winding and automated tape laying.It offers a new approach to placing some parts that could not be machined by using traditional filament winding method.For its character of machining complex shaped parts,it could be used to place the satellite triangle conjunction of frame.This article describes the advantages of automated fibre placement,and also deals with the research on the modeling of the satellite triangle conjunction of frame and the design of its pattern based on the peculiarities of fibre placement.
Fiber Composites