中国海岸带背靠中国大陆 ,面向世界上最大的边缘海 ,具有东西地形差异、南北气候分带的宏观背景 ,在此基础上建立起来的物质平衡相对比较脆弱。中国内地经济的发展和大型工程的建设、全球变化引起的海平面上升和严峻的环境形势 ,是我国海岸带无法回避的三大挑战。以地学为基础的海岸带综合治理 ,旨在寻求人与自然的和谐 ,是确保海岸带可持续发展和解决人口、资源、环境矛盾的一项系统工程 ,是多学科结合的高科技技术集成 。
In recent years,the economy of China has got great progress.Further development of the economy of China relies on the development of the west of the country and the further opening up of the east.The strategy to develop the west is critical for the next generations.A lot of huge projects are now under implementation,such as the project on three gauges,the project on west development,the project on recovery of forest and grass,as well as the project on water transferring from the south to the north..These projects are certainly significant to the whole country.However,they come to a same direction that the sediment supply will be drastically reduced with time.It will,as the result,destroy the sediment balance in the coast of China.Coastal erosion will become a big problem and measures have to be taken to protect the China's coast,in particular the economically important coastal cities from erosion. The sea level rising caused by the green house effect due to the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will put more salt in the wound.Coastal erosion is regarded as the by-product of sea level rising.Records have proved the sea level of the sea around the China is rising.This consists of another challenge we have to face. Environmental problems and geohazards will increase in both frequency and intensity due to the change of the weather and sediment budget,and human activities.The restricted water circulation of a marginal sea makes its self-cleaning capability weaker.It has proven that the coastal development has caused various hazards,which may bring great economic loss to the society. In conclusion,the China's coast is very fragile to the environment changes,which may happen in a not long future.Pre-measures must be taken to ensure the sustainable economic development of the country.Integrated coastal survey and coastal zone management are the only solutions to the problems.
Marine Geology Letters
coastal zone
sea-level changes
marine environment
integrated management