DEA在经济系统中的应用实质是对资源配置状况的分析。但由于分析结果过于简单 ,构成了该方法推广应用的障碍。文章通过深入分析 ,发现导致决策单元无效的三大成因 ,把DEA对决策单元的分析结果由两种增加到四种 ,并相应的提出价格无效、绝对冗余、相对冗余等新概念 ,从而为管理者改善决策提供明确的指导方向。
Application of DEA in economics system is to analyze the status of resource allocation. But the simple result of DEA constitutes the barrier of its future application. After much analysis, the paper finds three reasons that make the DMUs inefficient,and then revises the old division of DEA to DMUs from two kinds to four kinds. The paper also defines new concepts such as price inefficiency, absolute redundancy, relative redundancy, to direct managers to improve their decision.
Operations Research and Management Science