目的 探讨X线平片、电子计算机体层扫描(CT)在颈椎病诊断中的价值。方法结合临床、X线平片及CT扫描诊断颈椎病51例。结果 传统X线平片能观察到颈椎病的大部分征象,在颈椎病的早期诊断中具有重要意义;CT能提供脊髓、神经根的形态学资料,更能明确椎管狭窄的真正原因。结论X线平片在颈椎病的普查及初步诊断中仍具有重要意义,但对于临床治疗和手术方案的制定,CT能提供更多、更准确的资料。
ve To investigate the value of X-ray plain film and CT scan in diagnosis of cervical spondylopathy. Methods To select 51 cases of patients who were diagnosed as cervical spondylopathy by means of X-ray plain film and CT scan. Results Most of the signs concerned with cervical spondylopathy could be check out by the traditional X-ray plain film and it has important significance in early diagnosis of cervical spondylopathy. CT scan could provide the morphological changes of spinal cord and the nerve roots and find out the real reason of spinal canal stenosis. Conclusion X-ray pain film has an important role in mass survey and early diagnosis, but the CT scan could provide much more and accurate data when we determine the clinical strategies and the operation plan.
Journal of Qinghai Medical College