Background &Objective:Morphine is a widely used analgesic i n management of postoperative pain with well documented analgesic properties and side effects.Tramadol,a new s yntheticμ-opioid receptor agonist ,little is known about its efficacy and side effects when administered in epidural for pain relief.The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy and side effects of tramadol,morphine versus their combinatio n for postoperative analgesia.Methods:One hundred and twenty patients undergoing abdominal cancer surgery were assigned t o one of three groups randomly,trama dol group(Group T,n=40),morphine group(Group M,n=40)and combination of tramadol and morp hine group(group T +M,n=40),for postoperative analgesia.In group T,12mg /kg tramadol and 0.125%bupivacaine 100ml were used for 48h postoperative analgesia.In group M,0.12mg /kg morphine and 0.125%bupi vacaine 100ml;and in group T +M ,6mg /kg tramadol,0.12mg /kg morphine and0.125%.Bupivacaine 100ml were used for postoperative analgesia.Effic acy was assessed by comparing visual analog ue scale(VAS),Bruggman comfort score(BCS),global satisfaction score(GSS)at several time points over 48hours.Possible a dverse events were recorded.Results:There is no significant difference a mong three groups in VAS,but in group T,there are more patients whose VAS >5 score than those in group M and group T +M.BCS;GSS in group T +M are lower than that in group T and group M.The occurrence rate of nausea and vomiti ng in group T +M are lower than that in g roup M.Conclusions:The efficacy of tramadol in epidural postoperative analgesia is similar to that of morphine,but varied from patient to patie nt,so the dose of tramadol should be individualized.Combination of tramadol and morphin e can provide effective analgesia fo r postoperative pain and cause little adverse effect,especially reduce the occurrence r ate of nausea and vomiting.
Chinese Journal of Cancer