对早地裸燕麦光合作用与产量形成生理指标的研究结果表明:旱坡和旱滩地裸燕麦的合理叶面积系数分别为2和2.5—3,构成每亩的最高产量分别为109.15公斤和166.25公斤;光合强度最高值出现在孕穗期,其值为13—24mg/dm^2/小时;旱坡和旱滩地裸燕麦的总光合势分别以3万—3.5万m^2·日和5万—7万m^2·日的产量较高;裸燕麦的净光合生产率为 7—10g/m^2日的产量较高.通过对上述生理指标的阐述,为旱地裸燕麦丰产栽培提供了理论依据.
The physiological indices for the photosynthesis and yield formation of naked oats have been studied, and following results were reached: The resonable leaf area coefficents for naked oats growing in the dry sloping fields and the dry sand fields were 2 and 2.5-3 respectivily,which responded the maximum yields 109.15 and 166.25 kg per mu;the maximum photosynthesis, 13-24 mg/dm2/h, emerged at the boot stage;the higher yields could be achieved when the total photosynthetic potential was 30 000-35 000m2.d for naked oats growing in dry sloping fields,50 000-70 000m2.d for prowing in dry sand fields,and when the maximum net photosynthetic productivity was 7 -10g/m2/d.This research has provided the theoretical basis for highyielding cultivation of the oats in the dry fields.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica