如果采用一种广义的和功能性的契约概念的话 ,我们就可以把公司设立行为的性质视为契约行为。公司设立契约是投资者利用公司法制度 ,在强制法的框架内充分体现意思自治的工具。本文从私人的视角观察公司设立行为 ,指出以往的关于公司设立的诸多学说都可以在广义的契约行为概念下统一起来 ,公司设立行为不仅要遵循强制性的公司组织规范 ,而且还要反映公司设立者之间的交易和磋商。公司设立契约反映在公司章程上可以产生两种规则 。
If we see the concept of contract more broadly and functionally, the incorporation process is contractual. The incorporation contract is a tool for investors to make full use of corporate law. In a perspective of private user of corporate law, many theories about incorporation could be made accorded with each other. The incorporation process is a process of bargaining and negotiation. There are two kinds of rules in the article of association of corporation. Only the latter break through the traditional idea of contract.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)