
汽油机TWC系统早期失效原因及对策 被引量:4

Analysis of Earlier Invalidation Reasons and Countermeasures of TWC for Gasoline Engine
摘要 本文通过对汽油机TWC(三元催化系统 )结构的介绍 ,重点分析了造成TWC早期失效的原因 ,并阐述了为防止TWC早期失效在设计、与汽油机匹配。 By introducing the structure of the Three Way Catalysts (TWC) for gasoline engines, this paper analysises mainly earlier invalid reasons of the TWC for gasoline engine and countermeasures in design, engine matching, use and maintenance and so on.
出处 《小型内燃机与摩托车》 CAS 北大核心 2002年第3期40-43,共4页 Small Internal Combustion Engine and Motorcycle
关键词 汽油机 TWC系统 失效 对策 三元催化系统 TWC Earlier Invalidation Analysis Countermeasures
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