湿式氧化脱硫液在脱硫过程中不仅影响脱硫效率 ,而且由于定期外排又造成了二次污染。针对这个问题 ,本论文采取湿式脱硫液经过一系列物理化学过程 ,然后返回脱硫系统的闭路循环工艺 ,不仅得到了合格的副产品硫代硫酸钠和硫氰酸钠 ,而且又保护了环境。
The wet desulfurizing process not only affects desulfurization efficiency for producing some byproducts but also brings second environmental pollution because of liquid poured regularly. A set of physical chemical closed cycle experiment process is designed in this paper to resolve this problem. By used of the new way, it not only attains qualified byproducts-sodium thiosulfate and sodium thiocynate, but also protects environment.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Architectural Science & Technology