通过调查、采集和鉴定 ,并参考有关文献资料 ,编写出湖北省竹子害虫名录共 83种 ,隶属于 8个目 32个科 ,其中 ,直翅目 1科 2种 ;等翅目 1科 1种 ;同翅目 5科 8种 ;半翅目 3科5种 ;鞘翅目 8科 2 8种 ;双翅目 1科 1种 ;鳞翅目 1 2科 37种 ;膜翅目 1科
List of bamboo injurious insect in Hubei Province with 83 kinds in total has been compiled through survey? collection and identification as well as relevant documents referenced, which is subordinate to 32 families of 8 orders, of which: 2 species of one family Orthoptera; one species of one family Isoptera;8 species of 5 families Homoptera;5 species of 3 families Hemiptera; 28 species of 8 families Coleoptera;one species of one family Diptera; 37 species of 12 families Lepidoptera and one species of one family Hymenoptera.
Hubei Forestry Science and Technology