介绍了模糊控制技术在纯净水生产中的应用 ,针对被控过程的特点 ,采用普通二维模糊控制器和 PI控制相并联 ,并与开关控制相结合的双模控制方案。给出了控制系统软件框图。实验结果表明 ,该系统设计先进合理 ,控制精度高 ,鲁棒性强 ,提高了水的利用率。
This paper introduces the fuzzy control technology and its application to the production of pure water.In the light of the speciality of controlled process,it discusses the control system of basic two dimensional fuzzy controller with PI control and combination with switch control,and presents the technological process graph of the system software.Experiment results show that the design is advanced,highly accurate in control,and less sensitive to parameter change.The untility of water is raised.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Teachers College