在大庆探区 ,三分量地震资料中最大的干扰波是面波 ,X分量上的面波比Z分量上的面波强。为了压制面波 ,常规的作法是用检波器组合来实现 ,但是对于三分量检波器来说 ,在其埋置过程中 ,方位角偏差和倾角偏差都会影响到三分量资料的信噪比。如果采用三分量检波器的组合来压制面波 ,那么则会出现埋置误差增大的问题。从组合原理及三分量埋置误差理论出发 ,结合大庆地区的实际三分量资料 ,在理论上分析了三分量检波器组合时 ,方位角偏差和倾角偏差对所得资料的影响。通过现场实验证明 ,在三分量勘探中采用较小的组合距多井组合激发 ,单个三分量检波器接收 ,既可以压制面波及低频随机干扰 ,又可以减少三分量检波器的方位角偏差和倾角偏差 。
In Daqing prospect area, the strongest interference wave in three component seismic data is surface wave, and the surface wave in x component is stronger than that in z component. Conventional practice for suppressing surface wave is using geophone array, but for three component geophones, planting deviation between different geophones should be taken into account. In the course of planting, deviation in azimuth and inclination may affect the signal to noise ratio of three component data. The planting deviation would increase if an array of three component geophones is adopted in the suppression of surface waves. In this paper, based on array principle and three component planting deviation theory, as well as in combination with the real three component data from Daqing area, we analyzed theoretically the affection of deviation in azimuth and inclination to the acquired data if three component geophone array is used. Field tests show that with smaller array length, multi well array shooting and single three component geophone reveiving, both surface waves and low frequency random interference can be suppressed, and deviation in azimuth and inclination can be reduced in three component exploration. Therefore, signal to noise ratio of three component data is improved.
Geophysical Prospecting For Petroleum