分析了SA335P91钢厚壁炉管焊接的冷裂敏感性 ,采用系列冲击试验方法研究了焊接线能量和层间温度对P91钢的焊接接头冲击韧性的影响 ,并规定了手工氩弧焊的焊接线能量上、下限值和合理的层间温度。研究结果表明 :对于厚壁P91钢炉管的焊接 ,焊前预热是必需的 ,焊接线能量的大小和层间温度的高低对于焊接接头的冲击韧性有较大影响 ,并随二者值的提高 ,焊接接头尤其是熔合区及热影响区粗晶区的韧性变差 。
The welding cold cracking sensitivity of SA335 P1 steel thick-wall furnace pipe was analysed.By means of a series of impact test method,the effects of welding heat imput and interlayer temperature on the impact toughness of welding joint for P91 steel was studied.The upper,and low limit value of welding heat imput and reasonable interlayer temperature for manual argon arc welding were specified.Further research showed that:The preheat was necessary for the welding of thick-wall P91 steel furnace pipe.The magnitude of welding heat imput and the value of interlayer temperature affected greatly the impact toughness of welding joint.The toughness of welding joint,espacially for fused and heat-affected coarse-crystal zone,was weaked in case of increasing the value of heat input and interlayer temperature,That was caused by the size of martensite bundle been increased and more coarse spheroidic carbide been occured.
Petrochemical Equipment Technology