研究了裂解温度对活性填料Al-聚碳硅烷裂解陶瓷的线收缩率、陶瓷产率、力学性能等的影响 .研究表明 ,随着裂解温度升高 ,材料的线收缩率、陶瓷烧成体的密度、陶瓷产率、力学性能和微观结构均随温度升高而发生变化 .活性填料Al在先驱体裂解过程中熔融并反应生成AlN ,从而提高了体系的陶瓷产率 ,反应产生体积膨胀效应 ,抑制了坯体在裂解中的线收缩率 ,所形成的微观结构有利于提高材料的力学性能 .当裂解温度为 10 0 0℃时 ,体系的陶瓷产率约为 115 % ,体系的线收缩为 -0 .97% ,材料的三点弯曲强度约为 2 12MPa .而不含活性填料体系的陶瓷产率、烧结收缩率和三点弯曲强度分别为 65 % ,1.49%和 64MPa .
The microstructures and properties such as linear shrinkage, ceramic yield and flexural strength of active filler Al_containing polycarbosilane(PCS)_derived ceramics pyrolyzed at different temperatures were investigated. The results show that, when active filler Al is contained in the system, the linear shrinkage, density, ceramic yield, microstructure, and the flexural strength of the resulting ceramics change with increasing pyrolysis temperature. Since Al melts and reacts with N 2 to produce nitride during pyrolysis process, the ceramic yield of the system increases and the linear shrinkage upon pyrolysis decreases at the same time. The linear expansion of the active filler Al_containing PCS_derived ceramics pyrolzed at 1 000 ℃ is about 0.97% with the ceramic yield of 115% and the three_point bending strength of 212 MPa. In contrast, the linear shrinkage, the ceramic yield, and flexural strength of the system without active filler pyrolyzed at the same temperature are about 1.49%, 65% and 64 MPa, respectively.
Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 9682 0 0 9) .