夹点技术是一种十分有效和实用的过程集成技术 ,本文介绍了夹点技术的基本原理和运用此技术进行换热网络最优综合的基本方法 ;对合成氨全低变工艺换热网络进行了优化设计 ,得到的新网络在满足工艺要求的前提下 ,能充分利用系统自身的热量 ,不需要外供蒸汽 ,与第二换热网络相比 ,减少了设备数量 ,具有应用前景。
Pinch-point technique is a very effective and practical process integrated technique. This article introduces the basic principle of pinch-point technique and the method of using this technique to optimize the heat exchange network. This technque can be used to make an optimum design for the heat exchange network in fully low-temperature conversion process in synthetic ammonia plant. The obtained new heat exchange network can make full use of the heat of the system itself, in addition, no external heat supply is needed. Compared with the secondaty heat exchange netword, this new network has less equipment. Therefore,pinch point technique has a bright future.
Chemical Engineering Design Communications