结合当前视频技术、计算机技术、通信技术的发展情况 ,介绍一种远程数字视频网络监控系统的设计与实现 .着重介绍了图像数据在网络中的传输和在远程监控系统中的应用 .通过对采集的实时视频数据 ,按照 H.2 6 3协议进行压缩编码 ,使视频图象数据量大大减少 ,实现在低速信道上传输 .
Based on the technology of video,computer and communications,this paper introduces the design and implement of one network system used in video monitor.And this paper emphasizes the applications of the video data transmission in this system.By the compression and code of the real time video data with H.263 protocol,it makes the video data fit to transfer in the very low bit rate channel.
Journal of Hohai University Changzhou