蒙古族洪水神话主要用幻想和虚构的方式 ,叙述古时人类被一次大洪水毁灭之后 ,如何再生繁衍的故事。而这些神话在流传过程中融入民间故事或传说之中 ,并发生了变化。本文以比较故事学的母题比较等方法 ,探究《天上人间》和《猎人海力布》等两则融于蒙古族民间故事或传说中的神话原型、原意 ,力图揭示其原初形态 ,探讨其接受苏美尔。
Mainly using the way of fancy and fabrication,flood mythology of Mongol group narrate how ancient people multiply again after destroying by a fierce flood.These mythologies fuse into the folk tales or legends and have some changes during the spreading.In the light of the ways of comparing to the original text of comparative story subject,this article probes the prototype and original intention of two mythologies of “the Paradise the Earth” & “Hunter Hailibu” ,which are fused into the folk tales or le gends of Mongol group,and discovers their original form,and approaches the trace of development and variation after affecting by the flood mythologies of some states and nations such as Sumerian and Indian. [
Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)