随着电力工业的发展 ,电力安全生产中的电能计量和电力调度自动化的管理已经进入实用化阶段。作为电力生产中最基本要素的电能计量和收费依据的电度表也一改传统的机械感应式电表而逐渐被电子式电度表所取代。电子式电度表具备可靠性及准确度高、自身功耗低、线性好 ,调整校验方便等特点 ,而且电子式电表的脉冲输出还可与通讯接口相联 ,实现实时监控管理。为解决收费难问题而开发的IC卡预付费电能表就属于电子式电表的一种。由于目前的IC卡电表是基于单片机电路结构 ,使用不太复杂的手段即可给卡内充值 ,从而给电业部门造成很大的损失 ,限制了IC卡电表的应用与发展。为此开发了一种新型的专用卡式预付费电表。这种新型分体预付费有源模块卡式电能表 ,较好地解决了普通IC卡表易受攻击和可靠性低的缺点。该表内部采用两块具有自主知识产权的专用集成电路LC471 2 7和LC471 2 8。认为这是一种适合我国国情替代传统计量表的优选方案。
Management of energy measure and power attemper automatization come into practicable moment along with electric power industry.It is more development because of possession high reliability/veracity and low power dissipation as well as pulse output for electronic energy meter. Moreover this pulse is based on real time surveillance. IC card prepayment energy meter exist technic limitation.Therefor,develop a new kind of fission prepayment active module card energy meter.Introduces a new kind of fission prepayment active module card electric kilowatt-hour meter, which solved effectively defect that common ICcard prepayment meter attacked and its reliability is low. This new meter adopted two ASIC LC47127 LC47128 in possession of intellectual property. This paper also provides brief overview of the new card electric meter, and LC47127 LC47128.It is a top-priority project that fit into our national conditions.
Instrument Technique and Sensor