为了保护植物种质资源 ,从 1 95 9年开始 ,根据植物生物学和生态学特性 ,在福州国家森林公园对植物模拟其原生环境 ,进行迁地护存的研究 .结果表明 :( 1 )共迁地护存具有保护价值的植物有 1 31科、 5 4 6属、 1 72 2种 ,其中蕨类植物 2种、裸子植物 1 2 9种、双子叶植物 1 341种、单子叶植物 2 5 0种、珍稀濒危植物 1 0 0种 ;( 2 )有 1 476种植物迁地护存的效果良好 (成功率为85 .71 % ) ,有 1 1 7种植物迁地护存的效果一般 (不能适应极端气候 ) ,有 61种植物生长较差 ,有61种植物不能适应而死亡 ,有 7种植物生长情况有待观察 .迁地护存是探索生物多样性保护。
According to the biological and ecological characteristics of the Ex Situ conservation plants and the ecological environment conditions of their origins,and based on the plant introduction principle,research on Ex Situ bionics conservation of plants has been carried out in Fuzhou National Forestry Park since 1959 The results showed that there were 131 families,546 genusis and 1 722 species in which there were 2 ferns,129 gymnosperms,1 341 dicotyledons,250 monocotyledons,and 100 rare and endangered plants;and that there were 1 476 species which grew well (the success rated 85 71%),117 species which grew normally but didn't adapt the extreme climate,61 species which grew inferiorly,61 species which died,7 species whose cases were indefinite The Ex Situ bionics conservation is a useful method to study on protection of biodiversity,selection of the fine quality and speed up trees and the ecological relations among plants
Journal of Fujian College of Forestry
福建省林业厅科学基金资助项目 (L 9618)