地主阶级改革派借法自强 ,延缓了中国的半殖民地化进程 ,具体表现在 :军事上 ,造船造炮、编练海军之举 ,增强了抗敌实力 ,减杀了洋枪洋炮的凌厉攻势 ;经济上 ,兴办洋务实业 ,打破了外国资本垄断 ,削弱了列强的经济侵略。地主阶级改革派兴办实业 ,促进了中国资本主义的产生和发展 ,具体表现在 :引进机器大生产 ,突破了自然经济的封闭体系 ;洋务企业的兴办使中国自己的资本主义从无到有 。
The reformers of the landlord class endeavored to achieve self-prosperity with the foreign developed methods,which retarded the progress of semi-colonizing china.In military,they manufactured the war ship and cannon and organized and drilled the navy. As a result, the strength resisting the enemy was fortified and the swift and the fierce attack of the western gun and cannon was routed.In economy,they engaged in the western-style industry and commerce,finishing the monopoly of the foreign capital and weakening the economic invasion of the big powers.Their efforts in economy stimulated the birth and development of Chinese capitalism.Specifically,they introduced the big-scale production by engine to break the closed system of China's natural economy;thanks to their originating western-style enterprise,Chinese capitalism came into being and the bourgeoisie revolution acquired its material foundation.
Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
the reformers of the landlord class
self-prosperity with foreign developed methods
the progressive effect
Chinese capitalism