创造活动的核心问题是创造性思维。作者认为 :从系统的整体性把握事物规律是创造性思维的内在要求 ;人们通过对要素的重组 ,改变对象系统的结构和层次关系 ,实现认识的突破 ;人类创新必须通过开放获取信息 ,才能克服阻碍创新的障碍 ;创造性思维方法的非逻辑特征和随机循环作用 。
The central part of creation is creative thoughts.It is the internal request of creative thoughts to grasp the principle with the viewpoint of holism.Reorganizing the elements,people change both the structure and the relationship in objective system and make a breakthrough from old thoughts.Achieving the message widely and openly is necessary to overcome the obstacle to creation.The characteristics of its non logic and the function of its random revolution reflect the self organization ability of the objective system.
Journal of Systemic Dialectics