中国古典园林与古代文学盘根错节 ,难分难离 ,相互影响 ,相互作用。构园、造园、题园、咏园 ,均离不开诗文 ,且园因文传。园林可居可游 ,可培养诗心 ,孕育诗情 ,是诞生名篇佳作的摇篮。造园与作诗文在创作方法。
Chinese classical gardens and ancient literature are with twisted roots and gnarled branches-complicated and difficult to deal with, and hardly separate from each other, with mutual influence and interaction. Designing, building, inscribing and narrating gardens in poetic form are unseparately with poems and diction, and gardens are noted by literature. Living in and enjoying gardens can cultivate ones mind with poems and feeling, to be cradles of writing famous articles and works. Building gardens and writing poems and articles are common in the method of creation and artistic techniques.
Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)