中国自古以来即重视文献及其整理 ,古典文献学渊源流长。学术界关于“校雠学即文献学”之论并不全面 ,校雠学和目录学都是古代的文献学。中国古典文献学有校雠文献学、目录文献学、广校雠文献学三大流派 ,三派均来源于孔子的整理典籍 ,至汉开始分流。校雠文献学注重文献的甄别与整理 ,以校勘为中心 ;目录文献学注重收集与整理、揭示与利用 ,以目录为中心 ;广校雠文献学重视文献的阐释与整理、编纂 ,以学科为中心 ,目录、校勘、版本只是其工具。中国古典文献学的主体是文献整理 ,“辨章学术 ,考镜源流”
From ancient times China has paid attention to records and their systematization.Classical bibliography is like the stream that runs a long course from remote source.The discussion about'textual critism,i.e.bibliography'in academic field has not covered all round aspects.Both textual critism and record list science were all bibliography in ancient times.With regard to classical Chinese bibliograpy,there are three main schools,i.e. textual critism bibliography,record list bibliography and broad textual critism bibliography,all of which are from Confucius' systematization of ancient records and books.They started branching in the period of the Han dynasty(206 B.C-220 A.D).Textual critism bibliography pays attention to the discrimination and systematization of records and books and takes colation of them as the centre;record list bibliography pays attention to collection and systematization,discorery and use of records and books and takes record list science as the centre;broad textual critism bibliography pays attention to the explaination,systematization and compilation of records and books and takes branch of learning as the center,while the record list,colation and edition of records and books are only its tools.The main part of classical Chinese bibliograpy is the systematization of records and books;'clarifying the literature and textually researching its source'is the cream of classical bibliography.\;
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
classical bibliography
school of thought