目的 :应用血管内超声 (IVUS)研究造影“正常”的左主干及参考血管病变情况。方法 :113例患者 (男 78例 ,女 3 5例 ,平均年龄 63± 12岁 ) ,接受冠状动脉 (冠脉 )造影及IVUS检查。造影检查常规选用左前及右前 +头位及足位来显示目标病变及左主干。IVUS检查及测量 :仅对前降支及回旋支的病变 ,检查左主干(81例 )。参考血管选用距目标病变 1cm内。结果 :IVUS发现 10 1例 (89% )造影“正常”近端参考血管有病变 ,面积狭窄率达 (4 5 9± 12 9) % ,10 3例 (91% )造影“正常”远端参考血管存在病变 ,面积狭窄率达 (3 9 2± 13 3 ) %。 5 1例 (4 5 % )造影“正常”左主干存在病变 ,面积狭窄率为(4 0 6± 18 3 ) %。结论
Objective: Using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), we examined the degrees of atherosclerosis on angiographical 'normal' left main coronary artery and reference segments. Methods: One hundred and thirteen patients (78 males, mean age 63±12 years) underwent coronary artery angiography (CAG) and IVUS examinations. The views (right anterior oblique+left anterior oblique as well as cranial and caudal) were routinely performed to show left main coronary artery and target lesions. Left main coronary artery (81 cases) with target lesions in left anterior descending artery or left circumflex artery were studied. Reference segments were selected from vessels within 1 cm from target lesions. Results: one hundred and one (89%) proximal reference segments, 103(91%) distal reference segments and 51(45%) left main coronary artery segments which presented normal in angiography were abnormal from IVUS, and their percents of cross sectional narrowing were(45 9±12 9)%,(39 2±13 3)% and (40 6±18 3)%,respectively. Conclusions: IVUS can accurately identify the presence of plaque. It is helpful for the selection of proper interventional therapy.
Chinese Circulation Journal