

Clinical Analyses of 166 cases Children Viral Hepatitis
摘要 目的 :分析儿童感染病毒性肝炎的临床情况。方法 :对 16 6例儿童病毒性肝炎的临床情况进行统计分析。结果 :单纯感染 12 7例占 76 .5 1% ,其中 HAV感染 4 8.8% ,HBV感染 16 .2 7% ,HCV、HEV感染均为 2 .4 % ,CMV感染 6 6 .3% ;其它病毒混合感染或重叠感染 39例 ,占 2 3.4 9% ,其中双重感染 2 1.6 8% ,三重感染 1.81% ;单纯感染及重叠感染均未检出 HDV、EBV感染。急性肝炎 15 1例占 90 .96 % ,其中黄疸型 111例占 6 6 .6 1% ;淤胆型肝炎 7例占 4 .2 1% ;慢性肝炎 4例占 2 .4 1% ;胆管闭锁 1例占 0 .6 % ;重型肝炎 1例占0 .6 % ;肝硬化 2例占 1.2 %。甲型肝炎以 1- 3月发病居多占全年的 4 3.32 % ,急性肝炎均痊愈。结论 :1岁婴儿以 CMV感染为主 ,2~ 5岁以后以 HAV感染为主 ,甲肝、丙肝主要引起急性肝炎 ;慢性肝炎、重症肝炎、肝硬化均与 Objective: To analyse clinical circumstances of child infectious viral hepatitis in our hospital. Methods: Statistical analysis was carried on the clinical circumstances of 166 cases children with viral hepatitis in our hospital from January 1966 to December 1998. Results: 127 cases single infection was in 76.51%, including 48.8% hepatitis A, 16.27% hepatitis B, 2.4% hepatitis C, 2.4% hepatitis E and 6.63% CMV infection; 39 cases other virus mixed infection and overlapping infecti on was in 23.49%, including, 21.68% double infection and 1.81% triple infection; in these cases we don't inspect hepatitis D and hepatitis E infection. 151 cases acute hepatitis was in 90.96%, including 111 cases jaundiced hepatitis(66.61%) and 7 cases deposited hepatitis(4.21%). 4 cases chronic hepatitis was in 2.14%. 1 case closed bile duct was in 0.6%. 1 case heavy hepatitis was in 0.60%. 2 cases cirrhosis was in 1.20%. The cases of hepatitis A from January to March was detected in 43.32% in all years. Acute hepatitis was all fully recovered. Conclusions: <1 year infant mainly infect CMV, from 2 years to 5 years child mainly infect hepatits A. Hepatitis A and hepatitis Cmainly cause acute hepatitis. Chronic hepatitis, heavy hepatitis and cirrhosis are all related to hepatitis B.
作者 徐凌
出处 《江汉大学学报(医学版)》 2002年第1期42-44,共3页 Journal of Wuhan Professional Medical College
关键词 儿童 病毒性肝炎 临床分析 病原学 hepatitis pathogens
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