目的 :探讨螺旋CT在肺隔离症诊断中的作用。方法 :12例疑肺隔离症病人接受了螺旋CT扫描。临床表现为痰血 (2例 ) ,肺部感染症状 (8例 ) ;无症状者 (2例 )。螺旋CT扫描层厚 3mm ,床进 4 .5mm/s,重建间隔 1.5mm者 5例 ;层厚 2 .5mm ,床进 2 .5mm/ 0 .75s者 1例。造影剂注射速率 2 .5ml/s ;延时 2 0s启动扫描。上述 6例的扫描资料交工作站行 3D重建。另 5例扫描层厚 5mm ,床进 5mm/s;仅 1例扫描层厚 10mm ,床进 10mm/s。结果 :病灶位于右下肺 2例 ,左下肺 10例。表现肿块者 9例 ,边缘清楚的结节者 3例。 12例均见异常供血动脉 ,发自腹主动脉 10例 ,胸主动脉 2例。上述异常供血动脉均经外科手术证实。结论 :在肺隔离症定性诊断中 ,螺旋CT ,尤多层螺旋CT是一种理想的非创伤性检查方法。
Objective: To investigate the utility of the helical CT in the diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration. Methods:In twelve patients with suspicion of pulmonary sequestration, enhanced contrast helical CT was performed. Clinical presentation: hemoptisis(2), pulmonary infection (8)and asymptomatic (2). CT angiography (CTA) studies were performed in 5 cases with 3 mm slice thickness, 4.5mm/s table speed and 1.5mm reconstruction index. CTA study was done a case with 2.5mm slice thickness, 2.5mm/0.75s. Non-ionic contrast media (100ml, iodine 300mg/ml)was administered at a rate of 2.5ml/s, with 20s scan delay via the antecubital vein. Three -dimensional reconstruction was prerformed with the workstation. Five cases were scanned with 5 mm collimated section, 5mm/s table speed. CT scan was performed in a patient with 10mm section thickness, 10mm/s table speed. Results:CT findings : pulmonary mass (9) and well-defined nodules (3) . Localization:right lower lobe (2) and left lower lobe (10) . Helical CT identified the aberrant arterial supply in all cases. The origin of the anomalous artery was the descending thoracic aorta (2) and upper abdoninal aorta (10). These findings were confirmed by operation. Conclusion:The helical CT, especially the multislice helical CT is a non-invasive technique that can substitute to the angiography in the diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine