圆锥角膜是一种常见的角膜扩张性疾病 ,在屈光手术就诊者中发病率尤高 ,是许多屈光手术的禁忌证。及早发现圆锥角膜 ,是进行有效防治的基础 ,现就目前圆锥角膜的诊断方法进行了简要论述。
Keratoconus is the most common corneal ectasia disease in patients who are candidates for surgery. Since it is a contraindication for many refractive surgeries,it is necessary to identify keratoconus as early as possible. This is important for effective prevention and treatment. This paper reviews and summarizes some methods currently used in the diagnosis of keratoconus.
Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology