矿产资源是四川民族地区的一大优势 ,民族地区采用什么样的开发战略 ,才能使其达到有效与可持续发展的目的 ,这是人们关注的问题。从四川民族地区对矿产资源开发的现状来看 ,许多地方热衷于出让土地、引进外资、以牺牲当地资源和生态环境为出发点的开发方向还未引起高度重视。同时一些地区对矿产资源价值、开发战略选择以及当地政府在开发中的管理方向没有充分理解和认识 ,若让错误的观念指导开发 ,将带来不可弥补的损失。四川民族地区认识和选择矿产资源开发战略 ,建立怎样的开发保障制度 ,才能使民族地区矿产资源发挥最大的优势 。
Mineral resources are the advantage of the national region of Sichuan and the exploitation strategy to make an effective and sustainable use of it is a focus of people. But many places neglect the harm of the exploitation strategy sacrificing the local resources and ecological environment. And some regions have not understood and realized the value of mineral resources, exploitation strategy choices and the administrative management in exploitation, this will cause irretrievable losses. This thesis probes into the choices of mineral exploitation strategies, the establishment of exploitation guarantee system to make full use of the advantages of mineral resources in national region.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)